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  • enadhonu1989

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Grand Theft Auto V PC version Download. Grand Theft Auto V PC version Download. Also, why not try our Full PC Game Free Download.Q: trying to use my class to perform an operation on a list of values I have a class, and I want to give an instance of this class access to a list of values. public class OperationOnValues { public double SomeOperation(double val1, double val2) { //.... } } And this is my list, that I want to give to this OperationOnValues class: var list = new List() { 3.2, 4.3, 5.2, 2.1 }; So, I need to create a list of instances of OperationOnValues, and have access to that list of values. How do I do that? A: You can get the list in the constructor of the OperationOnValues class: public class OperationOnValues { public OperationOnValues(IEnumerable list) { _list = list; } public double SomeOperation(double val1, double val2) { //.... } private IEnumerable _list; public IEnumerable List { get { return _list; } } } FILED NOT FOR PUBLICATION be359ba680

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